Office of Assessment
(913) 288-7312
Angie Miller, Director of Assessment
(913) 288-7228
Cecelia Brewer, Dean of Academic Support and Assessment
Cecelia Brewer joined KCKCC as Dean of Academic Support and Assessment in fall 2018. This division contains: the Center for Teaching Excellence, the Office of Assessment, Honors and Phi Theta Kappa, Learning Commons, and Online Education Services. Prior to her arrival at KCKCC, she worked for over 20 years in higher education as an administrator and faculty member; consistently devoting her energy to the success of all students.
Angie Miller, Director of Assessment
Angie Miller has been part of the assessment team since 2022. She is a skilled learning and development professional with a decade of experience in the education field. Angie completed her Bachelor's degree in Education and Theatre at Indiana State University and her Master's degree in Education at the American College of Education. Her expertise in curriculum and instruction, combined with her enthusiasm for program advancement, make her a valuable addition to the KCKCC Assessment team.
Madi Smith, Assessment Coordinator
Madi Smith (she/her) started as the Assessment Coordinator with KCKCC in June 2024. Within the Department of Academic Support and Assessment, Madi supports the Directors of Assessment and Center for Teaching Excellence. Madi received her Bachelor of Science in Animal Science with a certificate in Equine Science from Kansas State University and earned a Master of Arts in Higher Education Administration from the University of Missouri – Kansas City. Her professional focus has revolved around strategizing and supporting student development and success, particularly for income-limited, educationally disadvantaged, minoritized, and first-generation students. Because of her analytical mindset and interest in using data to tell stories, Madi loves a good spreadsheet.