Discover encyclopedia articles, full-text journal and magazine articles, primary sources, multimedia, and other unique resources and tools that make research easier and more productive.
The World AlmanacĀ® for Kids includes exclusive online-only material as well as content from award-winning Chelsea House and Facts On File sets and series. Each topic area provides resources for homework, reports, and projects, and kids can explore age-appropriate subjects while developing online research skills with a trusted content source.
Credo Reference provides full-text online versions of over 3,500 published reference works from more than 100 publishers in a variety of major subjects. These include general and subject dictionaries as well as encyclopedias
Encyclopedia on mythology, legends and folklore from all over the world. Includes articles, an image gallery, maps, genealogy tables, a pronunciation guide, a site search engine, links to related sites and related information.
A project of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Provides links to images, documents, bibliographies, personal stories, historical film footage and other resources. Also contains brief articles which are searchable from the home page.