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Sociology-Cleon Wiggins

Core Assessment Options

Students will maintain a journal that will assess their knowledge of the following through real-life experiences that occur during this course by making a minimum of four entries for each of the three areas of concentration below (A, B, and C):  

(A) The student will be able to define the concept of the conflict theory.

(B) The student will be able to apply the sociological imagination.

(C) The student will be able to define globalization and how this helps us understand our multicultural and diverse society. 

Students will spend a minimum of four (4) hours over the next few weeks and months, providing assistance to a non-profit community agency of their choice by volunteering with that agency in some capacity.  Students will first select an issue such as hunger, crime, discrimination, domestic violence, etc., as their area of concentration (it is very important that students select an area they are interested in otherwise the student may soon lose interest in the subject and not gain much from the experience).  Once students select a topic, students will be responsible for identifying and contacting an agency associated with their area of interest to volunteer.  Because some students work (some have multiple jobs), and many have families and other obligations, the four hour commitment can be completed in any increment.  If it works best for some, they may complete the four hours in a single visit or they may spread the four hours over several days or weeks.  

In this paper, if students choose to write about a person, they must do more than simply tell me where the individual was born and where they went to school.  While those facts are relevant, the paper should also inform me about their life, their childhood (to the extent that information is available to you).  The paper should give some idea of why this individual chose to write and work in the field of sociology, and at the very least, how their work contributes or contributed to the body of knowledge in sociology.  The paper should reflect on the individual's work and how it influenced and/or influences the discipline of sociology today, and if possible, how their work impacts our lives today.