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Bonner Springs

Writing Center

At the Writing Center, we offer practical guidance in navigating the process of communication through writing, speaking, and reading.


What we do: 

All currently enrolled KCKCC students have access to walk-in, face-to-face tutoring, small group tutoring, and asynchronous online tutoring through online writing consultation and synchronous online tutoring via Zoom. Click here to schedule a appointment for a tutoring session. Appointments must be scheduled at least 2 days in advance. Students can receive assistance on any writing assignment at any level for any course.


Faculty can schedule class visits and refer a student for tutoring throughout the semester. Please use the following links:

Schedule a Classroom Visit

Refer a Student for Tutoring

Purdue OWL Remote Teaching Resource Portal

Writing Center Services

We work with students on essays, speeches, and academic projects including lab reports, presentations, and using sources. 

Students can expect to:                                                            

  • Build confidence in reading, writing, and speaking skills 

  • Understand the writing process

  • Generate and organize ideas

  • Utilize research techniques

  • Integrate research into academic writing

  • Develop and strengthen an academic voice

Preparing for a session at the Writing Center is easy! Be ready to discuss your expectations, the assignment, and bring a draft of your work or ideas for development. It’s okay if you just have ideas and nothing on paper. 

Please bring a copy of the assignment, any materials that may help guide the tutoring session, such as textbooks or notes. 

* Students may request proof of attendance.

Tutors help students generate ideas, develop and support thesis statements, assist with standard formatting styles, and integrate and document sources. The Writing Center can also assist with refining sentence structure and grammar. The Writing Center assists with:

  • Idea/thesis development

  • Outlines, concept maps, brainstorming, & other pre-writing

  • Review drafts for organization and clarity

  • Plagiarism and citation styles (APA & MLA) 

  • Grammar guides and handouts

  • Tutoring for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

  • Spanish and French study & tutoring

  • Reading comprehension/close reading skills

  • Study skills, speaking skills, speech writing, & practice

  • Resumes/CVs, Application letters


The KCKCC Writing Center welcomes and appreciates faculty support & collaboration.


Faculty are essential in encouraging students to receive tutoring. Our tutors work with developing and advanced writers who want to work with the professional tutors working in our center. Research shows that students who receive tutoring are more successful in their courses.

Faculty can help support the writing center in the following ways:

  • Directing students to our services
  • Bringing their class to the Learning Commons for a tour
  • Inviting a writing center ambassador into your class

Recommending students to become peer tutors.(Students can find the application here)

The KCKCC Writing Center employs faculty, peer, and professional tutors who complete rigorous training and participate in ongoing professional development.  Tutors enjoy working with students and other writers.  They approach sessions as opportunities for practical guidance and student engagement, and students are encouraged to develop their own ideas and solutions, and also to practice constructive writing habits.

Our tutors work with student writing in any discipline, and at any point in the writing process.  Most often, we work with students enrolled in humanities classes, but we also enjoy working with students enrolled in the sciences or medical practice. We are able to assist students with notetaking, close reading, and annotation. Most frequently, tutors work with students on thesis development, idea generation, common mechanical errors, research, and organization.

   Email Consultations are a valuable alternative for online or distance learners and for students who prefer or require flexible access to tutoring.

To submit a paper online, send an email to Please allow one-two business days for response.

Students will receive feedback in the form of commentary, suggestions, advice and links to resources. Please include the following information when submitting a paper:

  • Copy of the paper or project
  • Course Name
  • Instructor Name
  • Brief description of the writing assignment
  • Short explanation of the writer's needs

Helpful Links-Click on the Image