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Dr. Chris Beaty-Human Anatomy & Lab

Learning Services is located on the lower level of the Learning Commons and is home to free Individual Content Area Tutoring (CAT), Math and Science Center, and Writing Center. Services are available in person at all KCKCC campus locations and online. Learning Services also provides Student Athlete Academic Support through customized training sessions and study hall. The mission of Learning Services is to design academic programming and learning environments that cultivate a community of engaged learners.

Program Objectives

The program objectives are:

  • To identify, recruit and retain qualified tutors.
  • To provide course content tutoring, as requested.
  • To provide a comprehensive tutor training program.
  • To successfully match qualified tutors with tutees.

Our Standards

Learning Services is guided by the most current and rigorous academic tutoring training standards in the academic industry. We

  1. Identify and recruit quality tutors based on faculty recommendation, academic potential, and self-defined professional goals.

  1. Implement a rigorous, individualized training approach with proven outcomes of scholastic aptitude and confident practice.

  1. Retain and support tutors as academic individuals with opportunities for advancement in the form of mentoring, interning, and professional development in academic and professional areas of interest.