Beyond Fair Use, copyright law includes specific face-to-face teaching exemptions. These exemptions are covered in Section 110(1) of the Copyright Act and permit instructors and students in a non-profit educational institution to perform or display a copyrighted work during face-to-face teaching. The performance or display must meet the requirements below:
The steps below can be helpful to help qualify if you are correctly using fair use guidelines and will help protect you and KCKCC from infringement liability:
Blackboard and Library course reserves each provide a password-protected environment to allow the posting of course material for enrolled students.
The Library course reserves comply with U.S. Copyright Laws. They are developed in accordance with the American Library Association guideline for Applying Fair Use in the Development of Electronic Resources and the Association of Research Libraries' Code for Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries. Using Blackboard and Library course reserves can be an easy step to following copyright laws and the Fair Use Policy.
If you would like to put be anything on course reserves, please email Debra Newton, Gayle Holliday, or Joy Lawrence.