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How do I...

Finding and using the DSM-5-TR

1. From the KCKCC homepage, click Quick Links, then Learning Commons.

2. Click Databases in the blue tabs on the left side of the Library's landing page.

3. Click D to narrow the list, then click DSM Library. If asked, use your KCKCC username and password to gain access.

4. In the banner at the top of the Psychiatry Online homepage, click or hover over "DSM Library" to open the drop-down.

5. Choose DSM-5-TR to access the full text.

6. Get a great grade on your assignment!

Reserve a meeting or study space in the Learning Commons

1. Click on the “Reserve a Space” link in the blue navigation menu on any library page.

2. Use the “Go To Date” or arrow keys to find the correct day for your reservation.

3. Click the blue “Info” boxes or the room name links to learn more about available spaces, including capacity and accessibility information.

4. Click the green square for the start time of your reservation in the space you want.

NOTE: Green squares indicate the room is available during that 15 minute increment, while red squares indicate the space is already booked.

5. In the box that automatically opened when you clicked a green square, choose your end time from the drop down menu.

NOTE: The default reservation is set at 60 minutes (1 hour), but you may reserve a space for up to 120 minutes (2 hours).

6. Click “Submit Times,” then fill in all boxes on the form to complete your reservation including your KCKCC email address. You will immediately see a confirmation page with your reservation information; you will also receive a confirmation email.

Please contact the Library to ask questions about or make changes to your reservation. Follow the link in the confirmation email to cancel your reservation.

Below is a link to the Learning Commons Instructional Guide. This will give viewers quick instructions on how to change their password, print to a copier, or access Blackboard, along with other useful tips.

Finding and accessing library resources

1. From the KCKCC homepage, click on “Learning Commons” under “Quick Links.”

2. Enter your keyword, title, or author using the quick search box and its filter buttons, or click on the MOBIUS banner to search with more refinement options.

3. Your results will appear in a numbered list. The format of a resource (ebook, video, academic journal) will appear beneath the title for each item.

NOTEIf you are off-campus you will be required to log in using your KCKCC credentials.

4. Click on a title in your results list to find out more about the resource, such as a summary, and to open tools to save, print, and cite the item.

5. For print books, check the “Status” to see if your book is available. If it is, note the “Call No.” to find the shelf location. If it is not available, click “Retrieve Catalog Item” to place a hold.

6. For online resources, click the “Online Access” or “Full Text” link to use the item.

NOTE: Some resources may have additional steps necessary before you can gain access to the item. Check the landing page carefully for instructions.

textbooks in bag


1. Go to the KCKCC Bookstore webpage 

2. Hover your mouse over the Textbooks tab on the top left corner of the page.

3. Select Textbook Ordering.

4. Read the disclaimer and click the link, “I have read and understand the above statement.”

5. Provide the following information:

     a. Click the plus sign on the upper left to choose "Add Another Course."

     b. Click the blue drop-down arrow in the upper left-hand corner to choose the Term/Semester you are               enrolled in.

     c. In the Department box, select the department of the course you’re enrolled in. Refer to your class                schedule or enrollment and locate the four abbreviated letters for the department.

      d. In the Course and Section box, choose your course and section listed with your instructor’s name.

6. Repeat the above instructions to add further courses and instructors.

7. When all courses have been entered, click the blue arrow at the lower right-hand of the page, "View Your      Materials."

8. You can choose to purchase these books from the KCKCC Bookstore by clicking "Continue Checkout" or          choose "Print Book List" to have a reference list.

Software Available

Office 365 logo

More information or help can be found here or follow the steps in this how-to video.

papercut logo

  1. Open a browser window, preferably Chrome.
  2. In a browser, go to
  3. Enter your Student ID and password and click "Log In"
  4. On the left-hand navigation, choose "Web Print"
  5. Click on the green button, "Submit a Job"
  6. Select the printer closest to you for example: “lares/LRNG_Comns_UPR”
  7. Click the green button, "Print Options and Account Settings"
  8. Enter the number of copies you want to print
  9. Click the green button, "Upload Documents"
  10. Click the green button, "Upload from Computer" or use the "Drag files here" option
  11. Click "Upload and Complete"
  12. The print job will go into the queue.


 To Determine Your Email Address
1.    FIRST Initial of your FIRST NAME 
2.    FIRST 4 letters of your LAST NAME
3.    LAST 4 DIGITS of your Student ID NUMBER
followed by
Example: Bruce Banner ID# 1234567

How to Find Your Student Drive 

1. Open the “File Explorer” folder

2. Click on the arrow beside “This PC”

3. Look for the "H" drive

4. Your student drive will be displayed with your Student ID number. The format for the drive will appear as \\Zephyr\Personal\123456789


Watch this helpful video for step-by-step instructions for saving a document to your student drive.

scanner icon


How to Scan Documents to a Thumb Drive                                                                           

  1. Place the document to be scanned on the glass or in the automatic feeder
  2. Insert thumb drive in slot on right side of copier 
  3. Login to the copier/printer with your email/password or your Student ID number
  4. Press the fax/scan button on copier screen    
  5. Select “save document to an external device”   
  6. Touch black box that contains “file name”  
  7. Clear “file name” box by pressing delete 
  8. Type your file name   
  9. Press “OK”
  10. Press Start
  11. When screen is clear remove document
  12. Remove thumb drive

If more than one page repeat steps 3 through 10

How to Scan a Document to Your Email

  1. Place the document to be scanned on the glass or in the automatic feeder
  2. Login to the copier/printer with your email/password or your Student ID number
  3. On the touch screen, select “Scan/Fast”
  4. On the left side of the screen, select “Direct Input”
  5. Select “Email”
  6. Enter your KCKCC Student email(only your KCKCC email will work)
  7. Push the “Start” button



Access to a Kansas State Library card offers more resources!


To obtain a state library card:

  1. Visit our Library Services Page
    1. Contact Library Services at


    1. Use our live chat feature to speak with someone that can help you!
  1. Answer a few quick questions and you'll be on your way with a new card in 10 minutes or less!
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