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Voter Education


vote smart facts matter

  • Ballotpedia's 2022 Election Coverage
    • Ballotpedia is an online encyclopedia of American politics and elections. Provides a wealth of information, including a "sample ballot tool," which allows users to enter their home address and find information about national, state, and local candidates for their upcoming election.
  • Black Voters Matter
    • The goal of Black Voters Matter is to increase power in marginalized, predominantly Black communities. Effective voting allows a community to determine its own destiny.
  • C-SPAN
    • C-SPAN is a public service created by the American Cable Television Industry. It provides access to live proceedings of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, and to other forums where public policy is discussed, debated, and decided.
    • A nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics by monitoring the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of media promotions, TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews, and news releases. Check out the SciCheck feature for science claims.
  • Fair Fight
    • Voter suppression of voters of color and young voters occurs in states across the nation. Promotes fair elections around the country, encourages voter participation in elections, and educates voters about elections and voting rights. Brings awareness to the public on election reform, advocates for election reform at all levels, and engages in other voter education programs and communications.
  • FiveThirtyEight
    • FiveThirtyEight (538=electors in the U.S. Electoral College) aggregates poll data to forecast election outcomes and provides data journalism.
  • League of Women Voters
    • A non-partisan civic organization that hosts hundreds of events every year to educate voters about candidates, ballot issues, and the voting process in federal, state, and local elections. They began 100 years ago in 1920, just six months before the 19th amendment was ratified, and white women of the suffrage movement won the right to vote.
    • Note: they hold voter registration drives on the KCKCC campus during election seasons.
  • Mainstream Coalition
    • ​​​​​​​Is dedicated to creating a more representative and responsive government by empowering informed participation and meaningful action in the political process. They envision a Kansas political system that equitably represents all of its constituents. 
  • National Homeless Coalition
    • A national network promoting voting access for low-income persons and persons experiencing homelessness.
  • Native Vote
    • A nonpartisan organization working to promote voter education, registration, and protection for Native communities.
  • On the Issues
    • Tired of media reports of fundraising and poll results instead of policy issues? Here you can see the view of every candidate on every issue.
  • - 2020 Election Overview
    • The Center for Responsive Politics, a non-profit research group, hosts this site. Dedicated to tracking federal campaign contributions and lobbying data, it provides data and analysis about the money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy.
  • Politifact
    • A Pulitzer Prize-winning fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others who speak up in American politics. Reporters and editors’ fact-check statements by presidential candidates, members of Congress, the White House, lobbyists, and interest groups and rate them on a "Truth-O-Meter."​​​​​​​
  • Rock the Vote  
    • Young voters are new voters and as such they face unique obstacles to voting that result in turnout that is historically 20 to 30 points below older voters. This discrepancy is even greater in midterms, state, and local elections. As a result, our democracy continuously fails to represent youth. They work to right the system and ensure each youth generation is represented in our democracy and build the political power of young people.

  • SCOTUSblog
    • Is devoted to covering the U.S. Supreme Court comprehensively, without bias and according to the highest journalistic and legal ethical standards, through independent news and analysis. The blog is provided as a public service.
  • The Voter Network
    • Is dedicated to creating a culture of informed, enthusiastic Kansas voters, especially in communities that have been routinely undermined in the political process. 
  • Voter Rights Network of Wyandotte County 
    • Is committed to advocacy on voter rights issues. These include redistricting, voter suppression, public education, racial justice, and both civil and human rights. They engage marginalized communities in advocacy and the legislative process on key issues to ensure the rights of people of color and other disenfranchised groups.
  • Voto Latino
    • Is focused on educating, uniting, and empowering a new generation of Latinx voters, as well as creating a more robust and inclusive democracy. Through innovative digital campaigns, culturally relevant programs, and authentic voices, they shepherd the Latinx community towards full realization of its political power.
  • Washington Post Fact Checker
    • A blog and newspaper column that determines the accuracy of the statements of political figures regarding important issues, and seeks to explain difficult issues, provide missing context, and provide analysis of efforts to obscure or shade the truth.