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Sustainability and Academics at KCKCC

Many instructors have integrated sustainability into one or more courses. 

KCKCC offers courses on environmental science and climate studies and associate degrees (AS and AGS) in environmental studies.

The library has a large collection of both print and online books and videos on sustainable topics.

The Campus-wide read book for the 2017-18 academic year was The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert.

Presentations on climate change impacts and solutions are available for your class or organization.  Contact Penny Mahon, who was trained by Al Gore through The Climate Reality Project, in the library at 913-288-7285 or at

                                                                                            Climate Reality Project logo

Organizations and Associations

Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)

  • Check out the "resources" page. Because KCKCC is a member of AASHE, you can access member-only resources by creating an AASHE account with your email address. Besides their annual conference, they host many workshops as well.

Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability (DANS)

  • DANS is an informal network of academic associations with a commitment to education for a sustainable future. AASHE offers resources and initiatives through DANS. Over 40 forward-thinking academic and disciplinary associations participate. Check out their "resources" page.

Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education (KACEE)

  • Accelerating environmental literacy and conservation in Kansas through non-biased, science-based environmental education.

The SEED Center  

  • Sustainability Education and Economic Development (SEED) is designed specifically for community colleges.

Sustainability Improves Student Learning

  • Although a little dated, a site to help faculty include content and activities about urgent real-world challenges in undergraduate courses. Includes links to help with assignments. 

U. S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development

  • This organization is dedicated to education for sustainable development and along with AASHE coordinates DANS.