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Carbon Calculator - A carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases and carbon pollutants released into the atmosphere by a particular human activity, whether by an individual, event, organization, or product. There are many interactive online carbon calculators that can help you determine your carbon footprint and offer suggestions into how you can reduce it. There are general calculators, as well as for students, children, and other special groups. Some offer the option to purchase carbon offsets to reduce your own carbon footprint and produce measurable climate benefits. These purchased offsets typically support projects that reduce the emission of greenhouse gases or sequester carbon, such as protecting forests, planting trees or renewable energy projects. Here are just a few carbon calculators:
BPU is one of the greenest public utilities in the nation, with 48% of its power generation coming from renewable energy sources, including wind, hydropower, landfill gas, and solar. See the BPU website for ideas on how to save money and energy for yourself or your business through energy efficiency, energy audits, and savings tips.
In addition, the BPU Community Solar Farm allows both residential and commercial customers to harness the power and savings of locally produced, sustainable solar energy for themselves and the entire community, creating a cleaner KCK in the process. It benefits the community by:
Reducing the carbon footprint of KCK. Each of the nearly 4000 panels eliminate 12 tons of carbon dioxide! Residents may lease up to 10 individual photovoltaic panels; commercial customers up to 500 panels.
Allowing users to receive sustainable energy and reduced energy rates. Not only do users enjoy clean and renewable energy in their own homes without the trouble and cost of installing their own solar panels, but they also receive annual energy credits applied to their bills.
Creating solar accessibility for all members of the community. Even non-homeowners (for example, people who reside in apartments, condos, etc.) or homeowners who don’t have the option of installing solar panels can have access to clean and sustainable energy to use in their homes. The program is also available for commercial customers. See the benefits for yourself and download their information sheet. View the FAQ page here.
Nearly 25% of Evergy’s power comes from renewable sources, including wind, solar, and hydropower. Their goal is to be carbon neutral by 2045. See the Evergy website for ideas on how to save money and energy for yourself or your business through energy efficiency, home energy analysis, energy tips, and programs including rate plan options, income-eligible options, and Pay as You Save (Pays). Lower your bill through energy efficiency upgrades with little to no upfront cost. You simply pay as you save with a fixed monthly charge on your current monthly bill.
Some of these programs are currently only available for Missouri residents. However, Evergy has filed their Energy Efficiency portfolio, also known as the Kansas Energy Efficiency Investment Act (KEEIA). Some beneficial elements in their proposal include residential and commercial rebates and business custom programs. Citizens have requested that a robust, fully funded Pay as You Save program and benefits to low-income and energy burdened Kansans be added to the proposal. Check back for further updates.
Additional options include their Solar Subscription Program Solar Subscription which gives residential customers in both Kansas and Missouri the opportunity to support solar growth throughout our community without having to install solar panels on their home. Solar Subscription Fact Sheet Sign Up Today
Solar on your home (not a subscription program): Net-metering allows customers who produce their own energy from renewable sources to earn a credit on electric bills for the extra energy that flows back into Evergy service areas. Using a special meter, they measure the electricity you generate from solar panels or a wind turbine to determine both the electricity you use and produce. Energy produced in excess of your need is credited to your bill.
Solar Power Rebate rewards customers that invest in solar energy with a rebate, but currently is available in Missouri only. Learn more
The Evergy Clean Charge Network consists of over 1,000 electric vehicle charging stations — more than any other city in the United States. This makes Kansas City an electric vehicle infrastructure leader and we have experienced the most growth in electric vehicle adoption in the entire nation! This is great news for our region, whether or not you currently own an electric vehicle (EV) — but if you do not, browse and compare EV models and find your match with their quiz. Clean Charge Network (EV Charging Stations-Evergy)
Gas-powered vehicles cost around three times more per mile to fuel. Personal gas-powered vehicles account for around one-fifth of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, while electric vehicles help attain EPA regional ozone standards and make Kansas City a cleaner, better place to live and work.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) annually releases their updated Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, which ranks pesticide contamination of 47 popular fruits and vegetables. The guide is based on results of more than 40,900 samples of produce tested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration. The top 15 foods with the least pesticides are called the Clean 15. Since this data shows which produce contains the least amount of pesticide residue, these conventionally raised produce items may be safer to consume.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) annually releases their updated Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, which ranks pesticide contamination of 47 popular fruits and vegetables. The guide is based on results of more than 40,900 samples of produce tested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration. The 12 foods with the most pesticides are called the Dirty Dozen. To reduce your family’s exposure to toxic pesticides, it is best to purchase these 12 foods organic.
*Note: How your food is grown really matters. Some smaller farms use all organic practices but haven’t gone through the full organic certification process yet because it can be expensive for a small business. The farmer vendors at the KCK Farmer’s market located on our campus, for example, use organic practices, but for the size of their farms, licensing is cost prohibitive. There are 5 local markets in this group, and among these there are no certified organic vendors, but also none of them use pesticides. Get to know the farmers at your local farms, stands, and farmers’ markets, and ask about their practices.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s page contains much information to help you take steps each day to save water and protect the environment by choosing WaterSense labeled products in your home, yard, and business. Additional information for kids and teachers. Find information about rebates and certification programs. Learn more about WaterSense and how we can all get more by using less.