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This selected list includes documentaries, educational films, and feature films in both DVD and streamed formats. These can be found either in our online catalog (Mobius) or directly through one of the streaming media databases. The exception is Swank, whose videos are only accessible directly through the link on our webpage.

Owned by KCKCC

Affluenza (DVD and Docuseek)

America’s lost landscape: the tallgrass prairie (DVD and Docuseek)

An inconvenient sequel (DVD and Swank)

An inconvenient truth

Bag it

Chasing ice

Climate refugees:  the human face of climate change


Do the math (DVD and Kanopy)

e2 (several titles) (DVD and FOD)

The end of the line (DVD and Docuseek)

Food inc. (DVD and Swank)


Greensburg:  a story of community rebuilding

Human footprint

The island president (DVD and FOD)

Last call at the oasis

The merchants of doubt

The national parks:  America’s best idea (DVD and Academic Video Online)

Nourishing Earth: Natural Systems Agriculture and ecological technologies

Plastic planet

Seeds of hunger (DVD and Docuseek)

Six degrees could change the world

Taking root: the vision of Wangari Maathai

Tapped (DVD and Docuseek)

Vanishing of the bees

A will for the woods (DVD and Docuseek)

Who killed the electric car?


Bullfrog Films is the oldest and largest publisher of documentary films about the environment in the United States. Docuseek provides hundreds of titles from Bullfrog as well as titles from other producers on their platform. Only a selected few are listed here.


(FOD) = Films on Demand

Abundance on a dry land (FOD)

Anthropocene (Docuseek)

Awake from Standing Rock (Docuseek)

Chasing water (Docuseek)

Collapse of the oceans (FOD)

Cooked: survival by zip code (Docuseek)

Could indoor farming address future food shortages? (FOD)

Defending democracy and the water rights:  Maude Barlow (FOD)

Dying green:  natural burial and land conservation (FOD)

Gaia (Docuseek)

Green rights: the human right to a healthy world (FOD)

Just eat it (Docuseek)

Meat the future (Docuseek)

(NOVA): Poisoned water (FOD)

Racing to zero (Docuseek)

The Secret life of your clothes (Docuseek)

Seed warriors: scientists fighting for global food security (FOD)

A sense of wonder (Docuseek)

There once was an island (FOD)

Who's home on the range? (Docuseek)


Bullfrog Films is the oldest and largest publisher of documentary films about the environment in the United States. Docuseek provides hundreds of titles from Bullfrog as well as titles from other producers on their platform. Only a selected few are listed here.



(FOD) = Films on Demand